Two Roads Diverged : A Second Chance for the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, the Nation― and Ourselves
Former Republican Governor and Congressman Mark Sanford shares his brutally honest and hard-hitting political memoir, Sanford first tells the story of his two very different falls and how the hard lessons he learned from the first led him to inevitably choosing the second by maintaining his integrity and opposing Trump.

Two Roads Diverged : A Second Chance for the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, the Nation― and Ourselves
Former Republican Governor and Congressman Mark Sanford shares his brutally honest and hard-hitting political memoir, Sanford first tells the story of his two very different falls and how the hard lessons he learned from the first led him to inevitably choosing the second by maintaining his integrity and opposing Trump.
Dividing has become the spoils of politics
Political polarization
Our country is splintering. It's pulling apart and we have gone a long way from the words adopted by Congress in 1782 of E Pluribus Unum – “Out of many, one.”
The Founding Fathers saw our differences as a strength yet political polarization is at levels we have never seen. Republicans don’t trust Democrats and Democrats don’t trust Republicans. Both parties promise more to their “people.” In dividing what has become the spoils of politics, its urban versus rural and too often one group versus another. And while the Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to a cause, today it seems too many politicians have but one cause – and that’s re-election. In doing so, far too many end their time in office with much more than they started.
All this makes us cynical.
We are appropriately tired of promises unkept and the way in which the system seems to be imploding- while working for those with power and against the rest of us and those we love.

lessons learned
Asking how we got here, giving an assessment of where we now stand and suggesting where we go next has marked my time in politics - and it's what my book Two Roads Diverged is all about.
Taking the lessons learned over my 25 years in and around politics and trying yet again to suggest a different path is indeed the basis for "Two Roads Diverged: A Second Chance for the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, the Nation—and Ourselves.”
THE Belief of ideas matters
Why this perspective vs. that of others?
Because continuity in the belief of ideas matters. Holding a viewpoint even when it costs you, matters. There will certainly be all sorts of perspective offered on where the party goes next, but by yet another able salesman parroting what they think will sell? Two Roads Diverged is grounded in the perspective gained in 25 years of political battle and toil and the wisdom that comes with it. As the two videos below demonstrate, I have been preaching these themes for years - and you would have heard them in 2019 - just as you would have heard them in 1994.
Storm Coming
Two Other Things

How can Two Roads Diverged arm me with material to make a difference in my community?
Read it and find out!
What is the path Two Roads Diverged suggests?
In simplest form, going back to basics – that's what conservative is to me.
I believe to make America great we have to get back to conservative principles in politics and move past the politics of immediate gratification. This “new way” isn't working.
debt, deficit
and spending
My focus on debt and spending is tied to my belief that you can’t get something for nothing – no matter what politicians will tell you. My focus on institutions and a return to political norms is tied to a belief that they are the glue that holds checks and balances in place. My belief in trade is based on markets being better than government – and it's checked and grounded in common sense. I win, you lose, zero sum and me first are hardly the building blocks of trading partners or keeping allies. My belief in re-establishing some measure of civility and humility in politics is again based on common sense because in open political systems you can’t get things done without it.
If you were to boil down Two Roads Diverged what would you say?
I’d say this book goes to the core of my being in my belief in the need to spark an overdue conversation as Republicans on what it means to be a Republican, and a larger national debate on why spending and debt, our American institutions – and civility and humility should still matter in politics.
Why does Two Roads Diverged again touch on what you have always talked about on spending, debt and deficits?
Because our present course leads to financial disaster, jobs lost and grave injury to the American dream. Our debt is a clear and present danger to our republic.
If you were to boil down Two Roads Diverged what would you say?
I’d say this book goes to the core of my being in my belief in the need to spark an overdue conversation as Republicans on what it means to be a Republican, and a larger national debate on why spending and debt, our American institutions – and civility and humility should still matter in politics.
Why does Two Roads Diverged again touch on what you have always talked about on spending, debt and deficits?
Because our present course leads to financial disaster, jobs lost and grave injury to the American dream. Our debt is a clear and present danger to our republic.